2025 Scholarship Announcement for Thailand

The Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) in collaboration with the Government of Liberia, offers scholarships for young scholars to pursue graduate studies in the following thematic areas: Economy Philosophy, Climate Change and Environment, Agriculture and Food Security, Public Health and Sustainable Development.


  • Be a Liberian national with previous degree (s) and expertise in the priority fields;
  • Be a bachelor’s degree holder and be not more than 35 years of age
  • Undergraduate (bachelor’s degree and transcript) with the minimum GPA of 3.00 or “B”;


ONLY CANDIDATES who meet the eligibility requirements listed above, and have done the online application at http://tica-thaigov.mfa.go.th . The applicants are required to fill the online application and forward to the Division of Scholarships the below listed documents in THREE (3) sets for further processing:

  • A current curriculum vita (with e-mail address and phone number listed);
  • Complete application form;
  • Notarized version of the BACHELOR’S DEGREE and TRANSCRIPT (all in English) if applying for master’s degree;
  • Proof of Liberian citizenship (copies of passport and birth certificate);
  • Two current letters of recommendation (one professional and other academic);
  • study plan/proposal for Master’s;
  • Six passport size photos with white background;
  • A current and VALID medical certificate issued by a designated medical facility (preferably, the Jorkpen Town Medical Lab, located opposite Don Bosco High School, 8th Street, Sinkor) and/or the Clinic Lap, located on Randall Street;
  • STATEMENT OF INTENT: should cover (academic background/achievement, reason for the chosen field of study, the applicant’s potential to succeed and how this degree, when conferred, would benefit Liberia’s development process);
  • Police Clearance

CLOSING DATE:   Friday 31th of July 2025;



Division of Scholarships

Ministry of Education

Ministerial Complex, Congo Town

Monrovia, Liberia;

Or 0770421201/0776871512 for further information

This scholarship program represents a remarkable opportunity for young Liberian scholars to contribute to the advancement of key sectors in Liberia. We encourage all eligible candidates to apply and take part in this life-changing initiative.
For more factual and credible information regarding the Ministry of Education, please contact:
J. Maxime Bleetahn, Director of Communications & Public Relations at 0777-212197 or 0886-565-264
Facebook page: Ministry of Education-Liberia
MoE Hotline: 1416