- May 17, 2024
- Posted by: admin
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The Bureau of General Administration
The Bureau of General Administration, which shall have the following Functions,
shall be headed by an Assistant Minister appointed by the President, with the consent of the Senate.
a). Supervise the directors within the Bureau
b). Procurement of materials and /or logistics for use by the Ministry and the education system,
as determined by the Minister on recommendation of the Bureau through the Deputy Minister;
c). Oversee and direct supervision of the warehouses of the Ministry;
d). Oversee, coordinate and direct the distribution of consumables required for the smooth operations of
the Ministry and the programs of the Ministry’ including textbooks and curricula for all levels of the
education system;
e). Oversee, direct and coordinated activates leading to the construction, renovation and expansion
of public schools, and provide such assistance of the same to private schools and other educational
and learning institutions as considered necessary and affordable by the Ministry;
f). Ensure that the Ministry’s properties, including its buildings, schools and other facilities and secured,
and ensure the provisions for such security as deemed necessary;
g). Provide and coordinate transportation for the Ministry and its components, including the where
determined to be affordable, for students and schools for which the Government is responsible;
h). Keep record(s) of all transactions of the Ministry and institutions (including schools) responsible
to, or affiliated with, or having a relationship with the Ministry;
i). Be responsible for the printing and publication of materials for the Ministry, its associates,
affiliates, and schools.
In addition to the fore going, the Assistant Minister for General Administration, as head of the
Bureau, shall perform and exercise in respect of the Bureau, the following duties and functions:
a). Supervise the directors within the Bureau;
b). Perform such other duties and functions as may by assigned from time to time by the Deputy Minister for Administration or by the Minister;
c). Report and be responsible to the Deputy Minister for Administration.